TU Delft GNSS Fieldlab (DLAB)

The GNSS Fieldlab (DLAB) consists of 9 continuously operating GNSS receivers on the campus of the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. The main purpose of the network is facilitate research and educational projects at the TU Delft campus and foster research using a dense GNSS receiver network with small baselines.

Latest news

May 26th, 2023, the first two Septentrio Mosaic receivers were installed at Industrial Design (TUDI) and Architecture (TUDB). Three more receivers were installed on June 8th, 2023, at Applied Physics (TUDN), Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (TUDE) and Stevin III Lab of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (TUDS). The receiver at Aerospace Engineering (TUDL) was installed on June 9th, 2023. All receivers have wired connections to the TU Delft network. The final batch of three receivers, using 4G for communication were installe on June 15th, 2023, at the X-Sportcentre (TUDX), Rioolgemaal (TUDR) and Parkeergarage (TUDP) [15 June 2023]

Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Information on the stations, availability, latency, completeness, data quality and the data itself can be obtained from the following links

Station information table with links to the meta data pages
RINEX file statistics on availability, completeness and latency
Dynamic charts with multipath, SNR and slip statistics
Download RINEX and raw data
or by clicking on one of the stations on the map to the left.

High-rate 1 second data (sbf), 10 and 30 second daily RINEX observation files, and daily RINEX navigation files are available through the calendar download button above, directory tree http://gnss1.tudelft.nl/dlab/data and anonymous ftp ftp://gnss1.tudelft.nl. Station coordinates are available from the station coordinates page.

Data is stored in daily directories:

Daily tarred 15 minute 1 sec Septentrio Binary Format (SBF) files
Hatanaka compressed daily 10 sec RINEX files
Hatanaka compressed daily 30 sec RINEX files
Daily RINEX navigation files
The file names are based on the RINEX-3 naming convention, with <name> the 4-letter station abbreviation [TUDB, TUDE, TUDI, TUDL, TUDN, TUDP, TUDR, TUDS, TUDX], <year> the year and <doy> the day of year number. Files (for the previous day) are available around 00:30 UTC.

Receivers are streaming RTCM-3 MSN7 data using the NTRIP protocol (on request). To request a data stream send an mail to gnss-citg at tudelft dot nl.

All GNSS Fieldlab stations use similar GNSS hardware, with a Septentrio Mosaic-X5 on a ArduSimple simpleRTK3B PRO board, shield for native Ethernet and a AS-ANT3BCAL01 calibrated Survey GNSS Tripleband antenna. The receivers are either connected directly to the wired TU Delft network, using a PoE splitter, or use a Teltonika RUT241 4G router.

For more information or questions contact Hans van der Marel.